
The Golden Book Of Iguana Care

$ 17.99

The Golden Book of Iguana Care will teach you how to properly care for your pet iguana and improve their lifespan. Iguanas are essentially wild animals that long for the wide open, arboreal spaces of tropic rainforests. This is where they come from and they will seek some of the comforts of their true homes even in captivity. When you know how to provide the needs of these majestic (and gigantic) lizards, they will reward you with an active and relatively long life in captivity - in fact, iguanas can live up twenty years if they are well taken care of.


Three Reasons Why Raising a Healthy Iguana Is Not Too Complicated:

ONE:  Once you learn how to properly care for your pet iguana it all becomes easier over time.

TWO: Iguanas are extremely adaptive reptiles and can withstand even poor conditions - imagine what would happen if you give them the best care possible at home! 

THREE: All of the resources and accessories needed to make your reptiles comfortable and healthy are available in local stores and online - you will never be at a loss as to where you will find the items you need to create the perfect habitat for your iguana.


The book includes:

  • How to take good care of your adult iguana with these 3 simple techniques
  • 3 little known, yet simple ways to acclimatize your new iguana to its new habitat at home
  • Secret of expert iguana keepers that few people ever know about
  • 3 proven steps to safely tame young iguanas and adult iguanas
  • 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to a better iguana diet
  • 3 things you should never do when it comes to adding a new substrate to your terrarium
  • You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to setup the perfect iguana enclosure at home with inexpensive materials
  • 6 time tested and proven strategies for taming an iguana
  • When to approach and touch a new iguana
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